About Us
Inter-State Hardwoods Co., Inc. is nestled in the foothills of the Monongahela National Forest in the Northern Appalachian mountain range of West Virginia. Our primary manufacturing facility is one of the largest single-site family owned sawmills in the state of and employees over 200 people. At our 40 acre site, we operate both a double band sawmill and dual sided circle scrag mill with an annual production of over 35 million board feet of lumber. We operate 20 dry kilns on site which gives us the ability to dry 1.7 million board feet at one time. Our state of the art manufacturing operation consists of 4 planers, 3 rip saws and 2 high speed production moulders with the capability of running widths up to 12 inches.

We take a lot of pride in being able to offer the highest quality hardwood lumber products available in today’s market. Consistency is one of the most important factors that determines quality. This consistency starts with the fact that we own much of our own timber land along with timber rights that are centrally located within an approximate 100 mile radius of the sawmill. This means when you buy lumber from Inter-State Hardwoods today, then again a month from now or even a year from now, you know you will receive lumber from the same region, which is dried using the same process and produced on the same equipment. Simply put, we provide a CONSISTENT product which is one of the most important factors in providing a high quality product.
Another major contributing factor relating to the quality of the products we offer is that of color. Our close proximity of timber to the sawmill helps to maintain our color consistency but is not the only factor. Because of the long and harsh winters typical of this region, our growing season is short, as compared to those of the southern and mid-atlantic states. This short growing season does not allow for timber in this region to absorb as much of the earth’s minerals; therefore, preserving more of the natural color of the timber itself. In order to preserve those beautiful natural colors, we have developed our own unique drying schedules specific to each specie. In addition, logs received at our mill yard spend very little time on the deck and are sawed almost immediately. Once sawed, the lumber is put on stick and is dried according to specie. This quick turnaround from log to kiln dried lumber greatly reduces discoloration in the lumber. As a result, the beautiful, natural color of our lumber helps distinguish Inter-State Hardwoods as a leader in producing some of the finest northern Appalachian hardwoods.

Our primary focus is on kiln dried grade lumber to be sold rough, surfaced, surfaced and ripped or as an S4S product; however, we also produce and sell green and low grade kiln dried lumber, as well as pallet grade lumber. In addition to the traditional lumber, we also manufacture and sell cants, landscape ties, crib blocks and other mine materials. Lumber is not the only item produced by Inter-State Hardwoods. Sawdust, chips, shavings and bark are all bi-products in the manufacture of lumber and are either sold or used as an alternative fuel to power our boiler. We have the ability to produce and package materials with protective paper, metal or non-metal banding, special stenciling, logos, shrink wrapping, etc. to meet the needs of each individual customer and accommodate any special requests.
Inter-State Hardwoods is well known for our quality service and our loyalty to our customers. We own, operate and maintain our own fleet of trucks and trailers (both flatbed and curtain-side) in order to provide our customers on time deliveries, as well as, delivering a dry, clean and uniform finished product. We have invested in a fleet of new curtain-side trailers which proudly displays our company logo and protects your materials during delivery. These trailers have allowed us to become more efficient and deliver a superior product without the use of tarps, which often leak and leave dirt and debris on finished material. The use of our own trucks and trailers provides us more control over our deliveries, therefore, eliminating the dependency on the much less reliable commercial carriers.

A long history in the lumber business, delivering a high quality and consistent product, new state of the art equipment, our ability to meet special needs and our own fleet of delivery trucks are just a few factors that make Inter-State Hardwoods your best source for quality, specialized, on time hardwood products. Please continue to review our website and for more detailed information, please see each product or service page. Should you still have questions or need additional information, please contact us via the e-mail link provided or call us at (770) 375-5784.