Cherry (Prunus)

Cherry (Prunus) is a genus of 120 to 400 species that contain fruitwoods like cherry, plum and almond. The species are native to North America, Asia, Europe and the Mediterranean region. All species look alike microscopically. The word prunus is the classical Latin name for the cherry tree.
Grades Available: Fas/1Face, Select, #1 Common, #2 Common, #3 Common
Sizes Available: 4/4, 5/4, 6/4, 8/4
Distribution: Cherry is found in the eastern half of the Unites States, from the plains to the Atlantic Ocean and from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico.
The Tree: The tree reaches a height of 100’ ft, with a diameter of 4 to 5’ ft. It is shrubby under poor growth conditions and at the northern limit of its range. It does best on the rich, moist soil of the Appalachians.

General Wood Characteristics: The sapwood is light yellow, while the heartwood is brownish with a greenish tinge, darkening upon exposure to a deep reddish brown with a golden luster. The wood has a mild, aromatic scent, but no characteristic taste. It is of medium density, firm and strong, with a fine, uniform texture. The grain is generally straight.
Working Properties: Cherry is easy to work, finishes smoothly, and is dimensionally stable. It is easily machined. It can be sawn cleanly, turned well, and planed excellently with standard cutting angles. Screw-holding ability is good, as is gluing, except where gum streaks are present.
Durability: Rated as very resistant to heartwood decay.
Uses: Fine furniture, printing and engraving blocks, patterns, professional and scientific instruments, piano actions, handles, woodenware, toys and specialty items.